Keep up to date with what’s going on at Horticap
The Sun Shone for our Summer Cocktail Party
The Horticap Summer Cocktail Party was a huge hit with guests, staff, volunteers, trustees, and students alike! DJ Chris was manning the decks and cranking out some fab, old-school vibes for around 80 people. Mixologist Rob from Eller's Farm Distillery created a...
Plenty to Do in the June Garden
We were hopeful that June would bring more dry weather and slightly more consistent sunshine, but so far we are still waiting. Despite the wet weather, students have been busy in the veg gardens. The bedding plants are all ready...
May Brings a bit More Warmth for Gardening
May sees a gradual change to some warmer weather and a little less rain, allowing students to get busy in the veg gardens. There has been a massive amount of activity around the site. The greenhouses continue to be a hive of activity filling up with bedding plants...
Horticap’s Gardening Calendar: A Busy April’s Gardening
April sees a lot of busy students both at the nursery and out and about. With a few more rain-free days, the teams are starting with grass cutting on our off-site jobs. The first cut this year has been tougher than usual with the warm, wet weather, and a later start...
Horticap’s First Climate Action Event Was a Great Success!
We had a wonderful weekend as part of the Climate Action Festival - Harrogate District Climate Change Coalition (HDCCC) The Harrogate District Climate Change Coalition is an independent collaborative group of businesses, public sector organisations, and voluntary...
Why Social Enterprise Should Be Every Business’s Mindset
Horticap Ltd is an independent, registered charity. Our team of suitably qualified staff and volunteers provide adults with learning and other disabilities training in horticulture, allied crafts, and rural skills. While we rely heavily on donations (and we have many...
Why a Nature Trail Is an Amazing Place for Adults and Children to Learn About the Environment
Nature trails. What’s the big deal? You’ve seen trees and flowers and bugs before. So what? Well, if a nature trail is worth its salt (and has been designed thoughtfully), it should appeal to at least four of the five senses (taste is the exception, unless you’re a...
A Café to Honour the Student Who Made a Difference
This month, we were thrilled to finally open our new café, Hopkins@Horticap. It was named to honour our late student, Peter Colin Hopkins, whose legacy helped to make our newly built facilities possible. Peter Peter and his mother Marjorie first visited Horticap in...
Create Your own Festival of Flowers by Buying from Horticap
One type of therapy that has got many of us through this past year is our love of gardening. Getting our hands dirty digging, planting, and pruning has many benefits for both physical and mental health. The combination of being outdoors, physical activity, vitamin D,...
Down Tools…
...grab a cuppa and put your feet up..the Horticap newsletter has arrived 😀