Student Focus
This interview is from Summer 2021 as the students were returning to Horticap.
Many of you will recognise Michael who has been at Horticap since 1990. He gets involved in all the various jobs around the site and enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with newer students! He has missed being with his friends through the week and is very pleased to be back doing what he loves! This is what he wanted to share with everyone.
Michael, is it good to be back at Horticap and what have you missed doing?
It is, I’ve missed the wood splitting in the workshop, it’s good to be back doing it. I have missed working with Tom ‘cause he’s my favourite Instructor.
How do you do the wood splitting?
I put my gloves on and make sure all the nails in the wood have been removed, then I get the chisel and I look for the grain in the wood. Then I hit the chisel with the mallet and split it! The wood goes in a bag to sell in the shop.
What did you do when you couldn’t come to Horticap?
I stayed at home as I didn’t want to get the virus. I’m happy that I could come back safely. I’m pleased to be back!
Prospective Student Information
Should you or someone you know be interested in becoming a student at Horticap, please click on the links below to find out more information; if you would like to apply, please complete the application form and return it to info@horticap.org, or print, complete and post it to Horticap, Bluecoat Wood Nurseries, Otley Road, Harrogate, HG3 1QL.
Prospective Volunteers
Horticap volunteers support our students in their horticultural activities.
We are always happy to have a chat about our volunteering opportunities, which include: garden maintenance work – both on and off site; horticultural training – potting up, pricking out; craft work – woodwork, card making etc.; social skills – teamwork etc.; personal skills – numeracy, literacy, independence, awareness.
Please email info@horticap.org if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.